
Instructor: Mrs. Burdette




Goals of the Social Science Curriculum


The underlying goals of this class are to meet the National Council for the Social Sciences goals for creating effective citizens.

NCSS believes that the core mission of social studies education is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and values that will enable them to become effective citizens.

An effective citizen:

·   Embraces core democratic values and strives to live by them.

·  Accepts responsibility for the well-being of oneself, one’s family, and the community.

  • Has knowledge of the people, history, and traditions that have shaped our local communities, our nation, and the world.
  • Seeks information from varied sources and perspectives to develop informed opinions and creative solutions.


  • Uses effective decision-making and problem-solving skills in public and private life.
  • Has the ability to collaborate effectively as a member of a group.
  • Actively participates in civic and community life.


You will need to have a pen, pencil, notebook, planner, folder(s), three-ring binder or portfolio. Your textbook is not to serve as your folder.

 Always assume you are to bring your textbook, paper, pen/pencil, notebook to class despite what is planned. You are responsible for having your materials and will not be given extra textbooks or materials from the teacher. A key part of participating in class is being prepared!


 Overall, I feel that the rules and policies of the classroom should be decided upon as a class; however, there are some basic rules and routines that I expect of my students.

 Daily Routine:

 Enter classroom and take seat before the bell. Have materials out and any homework assignments that need to be turned in placed in the homework file.

  1. While I take attendance, copy your assignments from the board and complete the daily activity.  Remain seated until next instructions are given.
  3. Remain seated until I dismiss you.


  1. Follow Instructions: Given by me, administrators, substitutes or any other adult in the classroom. I encourage you to ask questions and ask for help when you do not understand something. We are a team and I am willing to work with you, but the first step in this process is to pay attention.
  2. Allow students to learn and teachers to teach: I expect you to be courteous and respectful towards myself and your fellow classmates. Remember this is an atmosphere of learning and all behaviors should be conducive to a learning and teaching environment.
  3. All school rules and policies apply in the classroom: You are responsible for being aware of school policies and maintaining a code of conduct that coincides with these policies. Failure to know the rules will not be considered a viable excuse.
  4. Technology is left in the locker: I do not want to see cell phones or music devices in the classroom. They will be taken and the respective school punishment will follow. Save yourself the problems and don’t bring them with you.

Academic and Homework Policies

Attendance is a class requirement. Some aspects of the class are not able to be made up and you will miss out on important information and learning experiences if you are not in class. It is extremely important that you be there as much as possible in order to learn and stay up on your participation grade. I understand that students get sick and emergencies come up that will occasionally prevent students from being in class, opportunities to make up for lost participation points will be given throughout the semester.

Students are required to do all assigned work on time. Students are expected to stay up on their homework and be aware of when their assignments are due. All homework assignments are recorded on the board and students are to record these assignments in their planner at the beginning of each class period. Typically an assignment is due the following class period unless otherwise noted. Major project deadlines will be given in advance to allow for students to complete the assignment on time and well. Since advance notice is given these due dates will not change. Homework is due by the time the bell rings to start class, not during class or after the class period. If it is not in the turn in folder by the time the bell rings it will be counted late.

Students are required to take notes. As part of your job description as a student, you are required to take notes in class. Note taking is considered part of your participation grade and will be checked throughout the semester for completeness. Notes are important for reviewing and learning the materials. The best study guide I give you is your notes so do not ask for study guides if you do not take notes. If you miss a class period please see me or a classmate to make up what you missed out on in class.

Ethical Behavior. I expect that all work turned in is your own work and that it has not been copied or plagiarized from other sources. Cheating or plagiarizing is a serious offense and will be dealt with accordingly.

Videos. Certain videos may be shown in class for educational purposes. If the video requires parent permission, students will be required to have a permission slip signed and on file before viewing the video. Those without permission slips will not be allowed to view the video regardless of what the students says he or she can watch at home and will have alternative assignments.

Grading Policy

As according the student handbook ““A” indicates exceptionally fine work; “B” represents better than average work; “C” indicates average work; “D” indicates poor work. The grade of “F” indicates failure.”

Scale: A 93-100

           B 85-92

           C 75-84

           D 65-74

           F 64 and Below

Breakdown: First Quarter grade: 40%

                    Second Quarter grade: 40%

                    Semester grade: 20%


Grades are based on a point system and with tests and projects being worth more points than homework.

 Late Work

Students are to have all assignments in on time. Students must have their work in before the bell rings or it is counted late. I will accept assignments until the end of homeroom for half credit otherwise the assignment is a zero. The student will have three opportunities in the semester to extend the due date by one week without any penalty.  To use a homework pass the student will fill out a form and turn it in to the homework slot in place of the missing assignment. The student then has one week from that day to turn in the assignment. Reminders will not be given. Once these three passes have been used the student will not be granted any additional. This pass is not useable on projects or other assignments the teacher deems appropriate.

 Make-up Work

      I understand absences will occur throughout the year and it is the student’s responsibility to come see me and get what he or she missed. There is a folder in my classroom for each class where I stick any missing work so the student can grab it when he or she comes back to school before school, during passing periods, during their class period, or during homeroom. As according to the student handbook students have two schools days (with the day the student returns being the first day) to make up work per day absent. Previously assigned assignments are due when the student returns. Field trips are not considered an absence and they are responsible for turning in work when they return.  After this deadline, the assignment will result in a zero.

 Behavioral Consequences

You are responsible for the choices you make whether they are good or bad, likewise these choices have consequences. Listed are possible positive or negative consequences for student actions.

Positive Consequences

  1. Praise
  2. Positive learning experiences
  3. Candy, sticker, additional opportunities
  4. Special privileges: choosing seating arrangements, exemption

 Negative Consequences

1.      Verbal warning

2.      Removal of the distraction and student-teacher conference at the convenience of the teacher

3.      Detention (school or teacher depending on situation)

4.      Parent-teacher conference (telephone or face to face)

 These are guidelines for behavioral action in my classroom; however, consequences will be handled according to the seriousness of the offense and may result in consequences different from those listed. Serious disruptions or offenses will result in immediate removal of the disruption and a meeting with the appropriate administrator. My goal is not to police students but to make sure that all students are given an opportunity to learn in a safe, welcoming educational setting.